> > Well frankly, if I had any idea that
you'd go Old Man McClusky on me while
> > waving your cane in my face and raving about these damn kids, I
just may
> > have. Unfortunately I constantly forget
that you like to party like it's
> > 1979.
> HELL, YES!! You damn kids today have no clue how to party.
On Wed, 11 Aug 2010, Tony Duell wrote:
If a 'party' is what I think it is,
I'' jsut stick to fixing my classic
computers ;-)
In those days, parties were much more varied than they are now.
The first time that I played Adventure (see! we don't know how to stay
off-topic!), the first time that I saw an 8080 or Z80, my first hands-on
with S100, flight simulator (pre-release?) on an Apple, were all at
parties in the San Francisco area in the mid to late 1970s.
Herpes was the
worst incurable STD in those days.
Oh no... back then 'STD' meant
'Subscriber Trunk Dialing' and nothing
mroe :-)
There were many 'STD' abreviations. Such as "standard", "SeT
"State Transition Diagram". But sexually transmitted diseases were not,
and didn't need to be, a major worry in those days.
Who is Old Man
McClusky? Maybe he'd like to come along.
You know you've been
hardware-hackign too long when all you can think of is
the Quine McClusky minimalisation method...
Then he probably WOULD like to come along.
Building a machine that runs a graphical browser using
only stock chips
doesnt sound totally tivial/.
Surely a graphical browser, (if NOT done in a High Level Language) could
be written to run on a 5150 with CGA.
Even thoguh I am pretty fast with a soldering iron,
Isuspect I could
read that centence rather quicker htan I could solder in a 40 pin DIL chip...
I'm not as good with soldering. I could read that sentence in less time
than a single pin of the 40 pin DIP. But, I could finish soldering the 40
pin socket (marginal soldering skills) before this dial-up would be
displaying the page.
Grumpy Ol' Fred cisin at