I acquired a HP 8018A serial data generator, a very nice piece of equipment.
But after a little time the power supply heath sink is getting hot about 70
degrees Celsius (158F).
That does sound rather hot. Personally, if I can't keep my hand on a
heatsink, then I want to investigte (DO NOT try this with SMPSUs where
the heatsinks are often live!)
I'm not sure if that is normal, anyone who can help me with this ?
Ifr you don't already have it, you can get the operating/service manual
http://www.agilent.com/ . Once you've found
the 'manuals page, you
enter the model number (8018) and it'll give you a
link to download the
pdf manual. Said manual looks to contain full schematics, etc.
Anyway, I've not really looked at it, but I did notice that the PSU is
entirley linear, and that there's a -5.2V rail, presumably for ECL. To me
that suiggests it might run hot, but how hot I don't lnow.