I'm not even going to attempt to list my collection, I've got so much stuff
piled up that I can't remember half of what's there.
However, the more UNUSUAL machines I have are a CBM "P-500", a CBM
(or some similar name - I can't get at it right now - an 8296 with internal
disc drives and some sort of hi-res graphics) and an "Interak 1".
The Interak is interesting since it was a kit built, Z-80 based system
produced by a small electronics firm here in the UK. It consisted of a
simple backplane and various CPU, RAM, I/O cards....and can run CP/M! :-)
Talking of CP/M, I used to have the following systems which ran it:
Visual 1050
BBC Micro + Torch Z80 disc pack + CP/N co-pro (swapped it for the Interak!)
DEC Rainbow
PDP-11/23 + Z80-CP/M co-processor card
DECMate III + Z80 co-processor (in fact I probably still have a couple)
DECMate II + Z80....
Transam Tuscan
CBM 128D
Amstrad CPC-6128(?)
Sharp MZ-80B
ICL "????" - Big orange, custom made, ICL "luggable" CP/M box. Not
unlike an "Osborne 1".
And probably many more.... ;-)
BTW Can TRS-80 Model 1's or Memotech's run CP/M (I had an "SDX" disc
for my Memotech at one time, but that didn't run CP/M; rather it had a basic
"disc filing system" in ROM)?
TTFN - Pete.