From: "Bill Kotaska"
I am new to this group but have been reading the posts occasionally before
finally joining. The site comes up alot when searching for info on old
machines. I am interested in any type of old computer especially the single
board trainer types from the early days of the microprocessors. I have built
my own trainer based on the Intel 4004/4040 and have started to put a web site
together with pics and info. It is in the early stages though - .
I have a SIM4 but mine doesn't have the nice LCD read out that
yours has. I wrote an assembler as well. Mine is single pass
but I can still do forward references by having the lables self
resolve them selves as their location is assigned. I also have
a simualtor that I wrote. It is built around the SIM4 board.
Most 4004 systems have a lot of hardware dependencies since
not all used things like the 4002's for RAMs or the normal
I/O methods.