It might, in fact, be interesting to see what
limitations/enhancements the
hardware features of the two processor types would impose. Interleaved
display memory would effect both processors' ability to use memory, etc.
I'd say it will difficult enough to come up with a problems suitable for a
valid exercise without such difficulties.
Jup, but if we start in rebuilding W95 on a 2 MHz Z80 SBC, I think we
pass before any usable answer is generated.
I think that a challenge should be performed on two simple almost
identical out of the box systems - for the 6502 I'll sugest an
KIM-1, while for the z80 a similar SBC should be easy to find.
Just think, if we incooperate a specific hardwaredesign for graphics,
we not only measur the programming capatibilities, but rather also
the design genious of the engeneer. Just to start with the memory
layout of the bitmap, the difference might be huge - if the display
design fits the need of the programming challenge, this will have
more influence on performance than the processor - and doing so,
we are way out of scope.
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