On 19 February 2015 at 16:40, geneb <geneb at deltasoft.com> wrote:
Borland's extensions to Pascal that removed any
limitation in I/O.
I think people confuse Turbo Pascal with "standard" Pascal. Turbo brought
a LOT to the table that you simply coudln't do with a standardized Pascal
compiler. Borland never quit tweaking the language - Object Pascal hit
with the 5.5 release of Turbo Pascal and that was improved upon even
further with the 6.0 and 7.0 releases. When Delphi hit the market in 1995,
it really blew people away. Had Borland's management not run the company
into the ground, Delphi would be a lot more popular than it is today.
Fortunately they used their last functioning brain cell to spin their
developer tools off to CodeGear in 2007. Embarcadero purchased them a
while after that and have continued to improve upon the product - both
Delphi and C++ Builder.
They did. TP was successful because it was fast, cheap and flexible.
underestimate the cheap part.
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