Hello Joe,
These sell on E-bay for about $20. Note that this one
has a $15
"handling fee"
in addition to the selling price and shipping.
That seller has a 100% positive feedback rating. That $15.00 handling fee might
very well be partly or mostly consumed just covering the costs of the materials
used to package it. It is not an extremely small item. If they usually only
sell for
$20, and they had to eat $15.00 in expenses just to package it, the next
time they
had one, they might not even offer it for sale. They might just send it
straight to
the scrap shredder instead.
At 09:39 AM 4/3/03 +0000, you wrote:
At 11:52 PM 4/2/03 -0500, you wrote:
Here's an interesting item for keeping those
vintage floppy's in order?
Brian Instruments BRIKON Mdl 723 Floppy Drive Tester / Analyzer
They are interesting. I have one and I've bid on this one. Anybody
have docs for the 727 multiplexer?
I saw a web site where these were about $900.00
Typical Re-seller wishfull thinking!!! These sell on E-bay for about
$20. Note that this one has a $15 "handling fee" in addition to the
selling price and shipping. Again typical of re-sellers. They never miss
a chance to boost their profits!