On 12/16/2015 9:17 AM, Noel Chiappa wrote:
From: Brent
I threw out a print-only selectric a few years
ago ... Regret it now,
just because it would have been fun to figure it out. C'est la vie.
I can top that.
MIT offered me (as a gift) the PDP-11/45 that I used to run; it included a
pair of CalComp 50MB drives, a pair of RK05s, an ABLE ENABLE, 3 H960's, lots
of other goodies. I blew it off, I was too busy dealing with other things at
the time (I was on the IESG at that point) to deal with arranging to get it
shipped down to me. They gave it to someone else, and near as I can work out,
eventually it got scrapped.
Every time I think about it I kick myself... Sigh!
Although I suspect a lot of people here have stories like that...
Yup. Same here.
Was at University of Wisconsin surplus, maybe 25 years ago - used to
make regular trips over there, and they knew me pretty well too, and
sent a couple of machines my way once they were not interested in them
Anywho, I was looking at a couple of 19" racks containing an odd
computer of some sort. Had this funny square keyboard, and what looked
like LINCTapes to me. Looked kinda "home brew", using DEC Flip Chips.
Well a couple of years later I saw a photo of a LINC, and then it was
"head slap" time - I realized I had passed up a LINC. Could have had it
for $25. I fear it was probably scrapped.