It was thus said that the Great Hans Franke once stated:
Shure ? I had to go thru the same kind of decision, and I
learned to love the 186 - shure, one needs a little push
to start, but later on it's just great - eventualy the best
_sixteen_ bit CPU around. If you look at the 8080/5, Z80,
8086 and 80186 family, the 186 is the finest of all.
Sleak and simple - compared the 68K looks quite bloaded
and clumpsy (ok, it's 32 bit, but still the most compared
competition at it's time).
Hardware or software wise? Because I know a lot of programmers (myself
included) that consider the 80x86 line to be anything BUT sleek and simple;
a collection of exceptions is more like it.
-spc (Having programmed both, I enjoy the 68k much more ... )