At 05:52 AM 12/16/00 +0100, it was written:
I wouldn't want to risk ending up without media in
a remote village in a
foreign land, which is likely if one is bringing a digital camera on the
And digital snaps can't be easily shown to others, save for on the lo-res web.
This is countered by the fact that this particular camera can connect
directly to a video monitor to display images. Further, with digital
cameras since you can delete "bad" pictures rather than replace film you
when you fill up your flash card you've only got "keepers", and finally I
carry 1 64M and two 32M cards with me that will hold something like 240
hi-res pictures which is more pictures than I have taken on any trip I have
ever taken. Further with my laptop on the trip such a limit becomes
meaningless. With wireless net access using something like Shutterfly to
send "prints" (actual prints of your images) is pretty easy.