Tothwolf wrote:
I've really been wondering what is happening to systems being sent to TDC
(Texas Department of Corrections) down here in Texas. After SB1105 76(R)
was passed in 1999, all state agencies or state funded groups have been
required to send their "data processing equipment" (computers) to TDC.
They are required to remove any data from the PC, so most just remove the
hard drive (and don't reinstall the mounting bracket). They don't usually
send TDC the monitors, keyboard, mice, or cables that go along with those
systems. Strangely enough, they do send terminals to TDC. I really can't
imagine how TDC plans to refurbish/resell stripped computers that lack
their monitor, keyboard, and mouse. Here in Houston at least, I've seen
everything from an Apple II or a Mac 128k to an IBM/360 packed up for
shipment to TDC. Some scrap metal dealer or trash hauler must have a
really sweet deal going with TDC...
Somebody remind me again how "capitalism" is "efficient". Our state
equally intelligent things to benefit the kin and business associates of
its politicians and bureaucrats, as well as campaign contributors and
the odd blackmailer.
You are obviously suffering under the delusion that governments exist to
establish order, fairness, and justice. My state is equally far-sighted
as Texas, maybe more so. In its case, all DPE goes to another state
agency, DOAS, which extends its tentacles into just about every other
government function except the courts. I believe I've mentioned this
here before.
I'm not going to start an off-topic Brubaker thread here, though,
because on any given day I'm likely to encounter the ladies from the
women's prison making money for some contractor cleaning the city
streets and trimming sidewalks. They seem to enjoy being outside,
regardless. I ain't takin' the heat for screwing that up for them :-)