Mike Ford wrote:
At 06:14 PM 9/16/03 +0200, Ed wrote:
This one is apparently made by Gr Electronics, who
were based in the UK
and in the US.
This is based on the fact that is says 'GR 185-2' on the board.
I searched Google, but I couldn't find any info.
As the housing was loose, I opened it, and it uses an Intel 8048
microcontroller, has 8
character and has a curled cable which has a DB25 connector at the end.
The cable has 7 wires, and when the battery door is opened (this device
get's it power
Sounds like a device that I have seen for doing inventory and stock
checking, db25 could be for a bar code or? Anyway people go up and down the
aisles in markets with them filling in sku and quantity, periodically
docking to download the data into some host.
Not likely in this case, 2 of the wires must carry the power, as there is no
own powersource in the terminal. I picked it up when collecting 4 11/34's at Shell,
and in one of the cupboard I found this pocket terminal.
I have opened the db25 plug, and pins 2 & 3 are wired, suggesting it is at least
Other pins are 4 (RTS, wired also to pin 20), pin 7 (GND) and pin 9 (+ voltage).
The pin assignment is according to the rs232 description.
There is an N8T15 & N8T16 chip on the board, are these similar to the M1488 &
rs232 line driver chips?