It was thus said that the Great Alfred M. Szmidt via cctalk once stated:
From: Alfred M. Szmidt
No even the following program:
int main (void) { return 0; }
is guaranteed to work
I'm missing something: why not?
It boils down to pedantism. The encoding of the above is ASCII, and
the encoding type of a C program is implementation defined.
Name *ONE* computer langauge where this *ISN'T* the case. Until then,
I'll consider this a completely bogus claim. Meanwhile, is *this* better?
??=include <stdlib.h>
int main(void)
So that it might be possible to convert this obviously ASCII rendition of a
C progran into EBCDIC?
The other
thing is that the abstract machine defined in C can be utterly bogus,
i.e. not capable of executing anything due to various implementation
specified environment limitations.
Citation required. Plus a real-world example. Because otherwise I think
you're skirting very close to Troll Territory here ...
Ofcourse, this is all academic ... and I don't
know any such idiotic
Or an annoying level of pedanticism here ...
-spc (Seriously, citation required ... )