John Lawson wrote:
Purely in retaliation:
Some early (not used) OpCodes for the (never realeased) Z8T:
JGL - Jump and Get Lost
BFN - Branch for No Reason
SIT - Shift if Tuesday
RUB - Rotate Until Barf
SFR - Set Flags at Random
NMO - Non Maskable Overrun
DAC - Divide and Conquer
LMB - Logical Maybe
EBS - Emit Burning Smell
LCM - Loop Clear all Memory
and one of my all-time favorites
POF - Power On Fail
these remind me of an old collegue (RIP) who told me about the
BBF - Branch to Black Forest
but my lousy memory can't remember if he talked about a Zuse
or a Kienzle?