Picked up 2 boxes full of VT180 stuff from a ex Digital employee.
Got a keyboard, Vt100 and robin board, small "backplane" board, 2
Shuggart 400L Digital branded drives and 4 RX50-AA drives. Also got a
VT100 keyboard and a VT100 power supply and several cables. Seems
everything is there except VT100 case/crt...could always build this in
some full/half tower AT PC case...still I will hunt for a VT100...this
is for collecting and not using really...
The owner told me the Robin board was modified to use 1M drives (?).
There are a couple ou wire jumpers on the Robin board. Also got some
disks, Robin schematics, a few CP/M manuals...
Questions:(I have not looked at the schematics yet......)
2 BNC connectors on the Robin board. Whats coming outta there? video? on
both? composite?
What drives should I be using to boot the Robin? The RX50-AAs or the
Shugarts 400L?
I see 2 DB25 ports on the Robin board and a larger (DBxx) on the VT100
board, anything special?
DIP switches on VT100...whats the deal there?
Anything else I should look out for?
Anybody know where VT180 info is available...I would like to see the
guts of one...
Thanks for the Help again
The Canuk Computer Collector