I'm new to the list, so just a quick bit about me - I'm in my 3rd year
of a 4 year MEng Software Engineering degree at UMIST, UK, and I'm quite
happily collecting machines (much to the annoyance of my parents :&)
Anyway - the point of the mail is... I've been given an LP25, and it's
not a happy beastie :&( When you turn it on, it's status display says
"P" (power fault), and lo and behold, it's right. There's a definate
of any regulated voltages on the motherboard, the only voltage there is
the 38V RAW voltage, which is within limits.
So I've decided that the power board is at fault. The Maintainance
Manual says "Check fuses..." which I've done - all fine. So I figure
there's a fault on the power board. Problem is, I don't have any
schematics for the power board, so I can't really test it, without a lot
of trial and error.
I'd be very grateful if someone could point me at somewhere I might find
something useful, or even lend me the details, if you've got them :&)
(oh, and if anyone in the UK has a spare VMS 5.x docset up for
grabs... or perhaps a DECwriter :&)
-- Matt
matt(a)pkl.net, matt(a)knm.yi.org, matt(a)printf.net
matt(a)m-techdiagnostics.ltd.uk, matthew.london(a)stud.umist.ac.uk
mattl(a)vcd.student.utwente.nl, mlondon(a)mail.talk-101.com
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