Start cheap. Consider a Digitrex DSC-2100. Here's one
on eBay as we speeque:…
You'll be surprised the results you can get (with a
bit of care) w/essentially a *toy* cam _supposedly_
rated @ 2mpix. You'd be surprised with the results
you'd get w/1mpix. My very first cam was an Aiptek
Pencam SD (yes takes SD cards, have a 1 meg card, not
sure if it'll access the whole thing though. Can't
even find the thing...). Prior to this past week, I
haven't spent more then ~$30 on a cam, having found a
deal on a Nikon Coolpix S9 at Target ($67 w/tax, watch
Target if they're in your area. You can find
astounding deals on the endcaps from time to time). I
can't find a price of less then $199 online for the
same unit. That thing does 6 *effective*? mpix.
Sometimes I get a good picture with it (shooting from
the hip). Other times blah. But if you're doing stills
all the time, you can fiddle to your heart's content.
I'll reiterate, start cheap, and you'll know what
you're getting into. The only problem I can see with
buying say the Digitrex model I pointed out is that it
takes cflash cards, and few other cameras do these
days. But you won't be put out too much if you spent
$20 on a 1gig Cflash card, being that they're useable
for *other types* of storage, especially in the
vintage category.
Figure a kit of rechargeable batteries and charger
into your expenses (again the D* uses AA's, my Nikon
comes with a lion battery, which is emminently
frustrating, cuz it takes 2 hours to charge. My AA's
~25mins). The D* seems much better on battery life
also. The Nikon was a little disappointing in that
department. You DON'T want to own a digital camera w/o
What I wouldn't do to be able to buy some other cam
down the way that uses cflash and my rechargeable
AA's. I'm also not crazy about the diminutive size of
this coolpix thing, but it was so reasonable, I
couldn't pass it up. I like something I can feel in my
rather large mit.
Don't pick lemons.
See all the new 2007 cars at Yahoo! Autos.