On Thu, Nov 17, 2016 at 3:08 PM, Josh Dersch <derschjo at gmail.com> wrote:
I have an LP, "Electronic Music from the University of Illinois" (1967 or
If I recall, they used the U of I's ILLIAC IV in the recording.
It's somewhat interesting but the electronic parts of it are sometimes hard
to discern :). Looks like someone's digitized it here:
Well, uh...that's certainly a little too avant-garde for my tastes, hah!
But that definitely fits the bill otherwise.
I digitized an 45 of music generated by an Orchestra-80 (TRS-80 4-channel
synth), it's called "Classical Mosquito!" -- you can grab it from here:
As an aside, I've been (slowly) working on emulating Ted Kaehler's organ
keyboard / FM synth for the Xerox Alto (c. 1974) in ContrAlto. I have just
enough technical information and code listings to make it possible, but
there's just enough information missing to make it difficult...
That'll be very nice to see once you get that going!