arcarlini at wrote:
[legalize at] wrote:
TECO can edit binary files, IIRC.
Having (many years ago) recovered data from a borked RT-11 filesystem,
I can certainly confirm that.
I can understand using TECO to inspect an RT-11 filesystem in a general
to look at text strings in files that can't be found since the file
structure is corrupted.
Actually, I would think that KED would be just as good in that regard to
the contents of a device with a corrupted filesystem.
However, I don't understand how you can use TECO to actually repair an RT-11
filesystem. For that purpose, I can only see SIPP as being able to
change or repair
anything. For example, until I can implement the feature in PIP, I use
set the READ ONLY bit for a file in RT-11 (the three lines of code are
there in
the Monitor to prevent a WRITE to a READ ONLY file, just not advertised).
Can you describe how you used TECO to recover data from a borked RT-11
filesystem (assuming that you did more than just READ the text contents
of the files
in the same manner that KED would also allow using a non-file-structured
of the whole device)? Otherwise, if you just used TECO to just READ the
strings, please confirm that as well.
I am certainly not saying that TECO can't do that, but if it can, I
would certainly
like to now how it is done!
Jerome Fine