It was in a different chassis from the kitchen computer. Same model number, though.
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On 2012-07-22, at 1:40 AM, Sam Onella <barythrin at> wrote:
Not very common at all. Wish I could find one too but
doubt I could afford it. Pretty neat but marketed as a kitchen computer so I'd be
surprised that he used one but I suppose they were sold here and there.
Best of luck. I'm sure a few folks have one. I've seen a few folks via the woozgotwat
--- On Sat, 7/21/12, Paul Anderson <wackyvorlon at> wrote:
> From: Paul Anderson <wackyvorlon at>
> Honeywell 316 for process control. I
> was thinking it might be neat to see if I could track one
> down. What are they worth the days? How common are they?
> Sent from my iPad