On Mon, 18 Jun 2001, Don Maslin wrote:
On Mon, 18 Jun 2001, Jeff Hellige wrote:
I recall
those arguments...it was also one of the reasons it
was said that MO disks were superior to CD-R media. As far as I
recall, it was said to also get into the disk by going between the
sandwhich layers and it appeared on an affected disk as black spots.
Couldn't a fungus attach itself to the adhesive used to bond the
various layers of a CD-R? If not a fungus, it certainly seems
reasonable that the aluminum surface could possibly oxidize after a
Yes, but "leaving nothing behind." NOTHING? Hard to believe.
Yeah, imagine if this were to be let loose in the citys and towns of the
US. All those homes with aluminum siding, all those soda cans. Why, it
has the makings for a good Hollywood disaster film.