Work is continuing on repairing the H7140 PSU from my PDP11/24.
Now it seems that the surge suppression resistor across the relay has
failed. This resistor is marked as R1 on the printset (p66 and p69) but
actually is two components connected in series. The parts list on p71 of the
printset lists a 3ohm 7W 5% resistor, but it is not 100% clear if this is
supposed to be the surge suppression resistor, although it does seem likely.
The thing is I measured the resistance of the two resistors (in-circuit),
one was open circuit and clearly the failed component, the other measured
10ohms, it might be failing too I suppose.
The two resistors are marked KCC 13-17198-00 8234. I have not been able to
find any information on them, so I can't verify the spec and I don't know
what to replace them with. Does anyone have any information on these