routine the Lisa is suppose to have. Despite the
keyboard passing it's POST
test then, the jury is still out on whether any of the keys actually work!
I think this thing uses the well-known Keytonics cpacitive keyboard.The
foam pads under the keys can fail with age (resultign in non-working
keys), also the metalising on the back of the lower plasic disk can
vanish (!).
One of the lisa manuals implies that the keyboard has 3 conenctiosn back
to the main unit : +5V, ground, signal. I have no idea if the signal line
is bidirecitoanl or not, I susepct it isn't. In any case, if you put a
logic probe on the signal line, what is it doing? Does it do anything if
you press a key?
These keybaords will come apart. After removing the outer casing, flip
the keyboard over and take out all the small screws that hold the PCB to
the keyframe. Then lift off the PCB. You cna now inspect the foam, etc.