brian.russell wrote:
2 Scrambled PERQs - Going, ... Going, . Help!
I have two PERQs for disposal, a PERQ-1 and a PERQ-2, here in the UK. I
would like to get some data off them before disposal, but am unable to do
this on my own as both machines are somewhat 'scrambled'. I am in contact
with half a dozen PERQ owners, who have helped with copious advice, and to
whom the machines will be going once I have finished with them. The purpose
of this posting is twofold. Is there anyone who can make me replacement boot
floppies (I have blank discs onto which copies can be made)? Is there anyone
who has successfully archived data from a PERQ to a PC who can speed up the
rather tedious process of writing RS232 communications software that I have
embarked upon?
This is an update on a posting I placed on the alt.sys.perq newsgroup
before Christmas.
Spookily enough, I was just reading that post earlier on and wondering
"I wonder if they're still there...?"
I'd love to help, but I'm not allowed any more big things for a while.