Caveat Emptor . . . I've heard that you don't
have recourse through PayPal
like you would through Visa or MasterCard if you get ripped off.
AFAIK, PayPal is like using cash for the seller, and plastic for you and me.
I'd be super cautious.
What you might be able to do is arrange to have the seller go through a
friend or business that takes plastic. I've done that once, paying the
discount as well. In that case, if you get ripped off, it is between the
seller and his 'friend/business'. They can fight over your chargeback
leaving you in the clear . . . .
Paypal are slime. They promised it would be "Forever free" to use, but if you
receive any money through them they start insisting you get a seller's account,
which of course has a fee. They also put a 300 lifetime limit on your account
until you give them a bank account number. I don't know what they do with these
numbers, but I'm not giving them out to anyone - them having my visa number is
bad enough.
In all honesty they haven't done anything to me personally - I've had several
transactions through them until I depleted my $300 limit, and it DOES work, but
yes, you have no recourse if you get e-screwed. They say this up front in the
agreement to use their service.
Jim Strickland
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