On Thu, Aug 22, 2019 at 06:30:10PM +0000, Henk Gooijen via cctalk wrote:
A few weeks ago I shipped approx 39 kilos from The
Netherlands to USA (HP
A990). At least in Holland, most shippers do not accept such heavy stuff (max
30 kilos).
Yeah, well, "dat kan niet" *is* the Dutch motto. I'm surprised it's not
on the
Only UPS did ? and yes, the ?horror? stories *are*
true. They managed to drop
the package. Not from 4 inches above ground, but more, because a *steel
corner* had a dent!
Hence that old joke: "If being air dropped out of a C-130 into a minefield
constitutes 'moderately rough handling', what constitutes 'very rough
handling'?" "Being shipped UPS".