Pressing the
button turns off the yellow LED and completely disables the board. Quite why you'd
want to do this I do
not know...
The reason you'd want a button to disable the board is when running
diagnostics, you can "remove all the non-DEC memory" without
physically removing it. Of course it still could be the source of a
problem, but at least operational memory boards can be "deleted" so
they don't grossly affect the diagnostic code.
It's a "feature" to allow customers to buy less-expensive RAM and
still have a way to pass diagnostics without fingerpointing from DEC
about that "other" board in there.
How would DEC know? These boards do not, AFAIK, have any form of machine-readable
ID. All DEC could tell remotely was how much RAM was in the machine.
And I would hope any Field Servoid could spot a non-DEC memory board if he was looking
in the cardcage!
Disablng the board would prevent it acting as a data storage area, but if there's a
shorted buffer
or something it could still mess things up. There is a common bus to all the memory
boards, at least
in the 11/730. And I know the machine will not behave normally if there are gaps in the
physical memory
space, quite whether it would run diagnostics in that case I do not know. So I guess you
had better have all
the DEC boards at the start of the memory space and if you want to make the 3rd party RAM
disable all the boards.