Recently I picked up a Wang Professional Computer. Can't find a model
number on it anywhere. It 8086 based, 256KB RAM, 360KB FDD, 10MB HDD.
It runs MS-DOS 2.11, but it is not PC compatible.
A long time before I got this machine I found some software for it. A box
of original disks all marked "Wang Professional Computer". It includes 2
versions of the integrated word processor, MS Chart, DOS3.2 and Windows
1.03. Both versions of the word processor run, ms chart bombs saying I
have the wrong graphics card. Neither DOS 3.2 nor Windows 1.03 will
install. DOS 3.2 just hangs the machine, Windows 1.03 bombs with an
interrupt error. The disks seem to read okay.
Anyone know what I'm doing wrong or have working copies?
I vaugely remember seeing pictures of this machine in the Windows launch
issue of Byte. Though it would be cool to have windows running on something
other than a PC clone. I think I've even got a copy Balance of Power for
Win 1.x around here somewhere.