Jeff Walther wrote:
Is there a guide somewhere to the different families of logic, such
as RTL, TTL, LSTTL (never heard of that one) and CMOS? I was
choosing some simple logic components for my IIfx SIMM project the
other day and was somewhat bewildered by the choice of input/output
levels. Also, some are Schmidt Triggered?
My understanding extends to the idea that there are differences in
how they (at what voltage) interpret the low and high states but
beyond that, I'm ignorant.
Anyway, before I go on a Google hunt (which will probably turn up all
the surplus electronics suppliers and pricegrabber links first) does
anyone already know of a nice educational source on the topic?
Most books or course material about digital logic from around the 70s tend to
have an overview of the major logic families,
for example "Integrated Circuits" by Robert G. Hibberd, published by
McGraw-Hill 1969, but produced by Texas Instruments.
IMHO, for earlier stuff, some of the nicest treatises on a specific logic
family are the first/introductory chapters of Fairchild data books from the
60s and 70s.
(...and don't forget DCTL, RCTL, DTL, CTL, ECL, PMOS, variations on all of the
preceding, ...)