Roy J. Tellason wrote:
I stopped using when they started
"branding" their datasheets
with a page (!) added to the end of each one saying where it'd been
downloaded from. Where the heck do they get off doing that?! Wasting my
download time, my disk space...
There are other sites out there that don't do this.
I agree it's irritating, but sometimes such sites are the only ones that carry
the datasheet you need - I'm certainly not going to complain at an extra page
if it means I can have the datasheet at all.
It *might* be useful having a record of which site a datasheet came from,
anyway, in case at a later date other sheets from the same IC family are
needed. Too often I find myself needing to refer to related information of
some info that I already have (that may be several years old), and find myself
having no clue where I actually got the original from!
These cover sheets tend to be pretty much form pages - free from noise and
highly compressible. I doubt they add much to the total download size at all
(I'd check, but I can't be bothered going through my downloaded datasheets to
find one with the cover sheet :-)
Can't do much about the bandwidth, but you can always strip the cover sheet
out of the downloaded PDF if it's that much of a problem.