No, I can not remember those quotes either.
Must have been something else, Paul.
For what I remember, BEATHE looked a bit like PASCAL; all the
statements ended with a semicolon (;).
Admitted, memories are vague after 30 years not using BEATHE :~)
but I would certainly remember something as idiot as a quote for
every letter of a reserved word of the language.
- Henk, PA8PDP.
On Wed, 11 May 2005, Paul Koning wrote:
I only used BEATHE briefly; my recollection is that it
used quotes to
mark ALGOL keywords rather than reserved words, i.e.,
'i'f i=1 't'h'e'n ...
instead of
if i=1 then ...
which added no real value but did use up a lot more cards and
You have GOT to be kidding. Who's the genius that came up with that
Sellam Ismail Vintage Computer