I though the reason you limped along on your PC-AT
with a 486 in it
was that it was the latest-model PC you could get for which you had
full schematics and so on. Machines 2 orders of magnitude show up in
Indeed I do. having the schemaitcs and source code is very important to
me. It measn I can fix the machine when things go wrong...
skips beside the road all the time. Try your local
recycling centre -
you'll probably find piles of them, you just need to get to 'em before
they're left out in the rain.
(10sec on Google) Try Townmead - they take electricals.
Townmead Road, Re-use and Recycling Centre, Townmead Road (off
Mortlake Road), Kew, TW9 4EL. Telephone 020 8876 3281 for more
No matter what it now clls itself, that's the council dump. And lasttime
I checked they would not let me have old PCs quoting reasons of health
and sefet and data protection.
If you /want/ a newer PC that's not been scrapped, I have a dual
Athlon MP 1600+ machine in the garage. It worked, it just very
occasionally hard-reset for no apparent reason. It's been extensively
I don;t want to seem ungreatful, but the last thing I need is a PC that
occasiuonaly reboots for no apparent reason, and which I don;t have
scheamtics for. Since this whole discussion started over programming
microcontrollers, what happens if the thing decides to reboot half way
though a programming cycle. I've come across device programs that can
damge chips under such comnditions/ And considering this PC clearly has
problems, should I really trust it to necessarily ru nthe microcontroller
development tools correctly? The last thing i need when designing
something is any more unknowns.