Sellam Ismail wrote:
I believe the seller is being completely disingenuous
when he says, "I
don't have a monitor or the expertise to test it", considering that he is
selling a monitor with the Sol! Being that it only contains a RAM card,
this is seller code for "it doesn't work but I don't want to let you know
that". Dishonest.
He says the keyboard lights up when it powers on, so it does also have
the main board (which is where the processor is in a SOL), but still at
these prices you're paying for collectability rather than functionality,
so a non-original memory card doesn't add much value - it is a minimal
SOL, albeit in nice condition.
I'll give him the benefit of the doubt and assume he doesn't realize
that the TV is meant as a display - he probably thought the PL-259 video
connector was to attach a boat anchor or some other exotic accessory. It
seems that a lot of the tech stuff on eBay is sold by people who are
*completely* non-technical - I stumped one seller by asking him what
card an Apple 3.5 drive was attached to - he had trouble "tracing the
wires". Doh!
P.S. I read in the CCTalk archives that you had Bob Marsh as a previous
VCF speaker .. did you ever put a transcript of his talk on-line, or
maybe have a recording of it available?