Well creative thinking with your modern components,
for all the people who still knock on doors rather ring the bell.
When I was an undergraduate, I fixed a vibration switch (one of those
used for burglar alarms) to my room door (on the inside). Knocking on the
door caused that to switch, triggering a monostable. This operated a
musical dorobell IC and turnd on some LEDs on the door (set by a switch
inside my room) that indicated where I was likely to be foubd...
[Actually this was part of a more complex system, including a keyboard on
the otuside of the door linked to my OS-9 system so you could leave me a
If/wehn I get a house where I can make whatever modifications I like, I
am goign to do something like this :
Make an 'electric knocker'. This is essemtially an electric bell with the
gong replaed by a hollow wooden box. It's shown in 'Harper's Electricity
Book for Boys' (this has been reprieted recently, but I have the original).
Wire that to the pushbutton on the doorframe
Fit a viration swithc to the door, wire that to a monostable an a bell.
Thus knocking o nteh door rings the bell, pressing the button causes
And of course put up the obvious sign : 'Please knock if an answer is not
requuired'. And see how long it takes poople to run away screaming :-)