I know I've seen such things, in a store
that's now long gone, where they
were designed to let you re-use your memory in the process of upgrading. If
my recollection is correct you could take 4 30-pin parts and stack them up to
put into a 72-pin socket...
Considering that 72 pin SIMMs electrically are much the same as 4 off 30
pin SIMMs with the address pins (and RAS/, CAS/, etc) linked but with
separate date pins, that would seem to be a very easy thing to make.
Slightly harder (but still fairly easy) is a device that takes 4 4M SIMMs
of a patticular type and acts like a 16M SIMM of the same type. You then
have to decode a couple of the address lines and gate the CAS/ line
appropriately (I think, without grabbing the data book).