Hello all
Since we got 4 of them, allw ith a broken power supply, I was wondering
What exactly are the sympromts? All PSU poutputs misssng? Does the PSU
seem to be tryign to start up and then shutting down (it'll 'tweet' or
click if it's doing that)? Is the mains fuse intact?
if someone has already stumbled upon a solution. i
have not open them
yet, but i think the problems are the same on all of them. googling on
hp150 is not the way to go unless you want info for modern devices
having 150 in their names...
The HP150 Technical Reference Manual (which AFAIK is not on the web) does
not include the PSU scheamtic. It does include every other scheamtic...
Hwoever, the PSUs in my HP150s are the same as the PSU in my HP120. And
my reverse-egnieered scheamtics for the HP120 are on the Australian
Museum site :
Towards the end of the HP120 scheamtics are 4 sheets for the PSU. They
may be applcable.