Anyone have any docs for this terminal? It's a plain glass terminal.
I have a problem with mine, and don't have any kind of documentation.
I do see
that the data lines have junk on them, and the serial port isn't working.
By 'Data lines' do you mean the TxD line on the RS232 port, or some
internal data bus?
If the former, then I've seen a similar problem when there was excessive
ripple on the power lines to the RS232 driver chip (probably a 1488, but
it's easy to find by tracing the signal back from the RS232 connector).
The 5V line is probaly OK, so the machine passes all self-tests (which,
unless you use a loopback test connecotr don't normally check the RS232
In my case it was on the RS232 PCB in my P850 minicomputer. The DC-DC
converter had failed (a totally open-cricuit output capacitor) so the
supply to the chip was actually dipping to 0V.
It would be worth 'scoping the supply lines to the line drivers i nthe
terminal anyhow.