I am pretty
sure I have a spare HP2674 printer unit somewhere. It's not
9so postage might be expensive), but if I come
across it I will let you
That would be great, thanks. I saw one today with the printer installed.
It will hopefully turn up as I sort things out for the impending house
Both my HP150s ahve internal printers, but I am pretty sure I have at
least one spre unit. I think that's all you need to add the printer. It
jsut slots in to the top case and you plug the ribbon cable in. It prints
on thermal fax paper (can you still get that?) .
[Touchscreen fault]
It looks like it did indeed just need cleaning, when I took it apart I found
a little bit of debris in one of the mountings on the board. Blowing it all
out with an air duster fixed it.
What a freidn of mine calls 'A can of pneumatic fluid' :-)
Yes. As you doubtless know, the touchscreen works by sending IR light
beams across the front of the CR, and detecting if any of those beams are
broken by a finger touching the screen. A valid touch is one or 2
adjacent X-beams broken AND 1 or 2 adjacent Y beams broken.
At pwoer on, it checks that all beams are gettign there. So a bit of dirt
down one of the holes will cause an error. There was an HP kit of
IR-trnasparent plastic shields to fit into the bezel, by all accounts it
didn't help much.
On one of my units, there wa a fialed IR device (I forget if it was an
LED or phototranssitor. Replacing it was not ahrd...
Now all I need to do is get the disk unit working. I
think you said the
floppy disk drives will need a bit of cleaning up. I may not get much time
on this this weekend.
The main problem with these Sony drives is that the grease that
lubricates the eject linkages goes hard, and the leankages stick. This
means the disk holder doesn't latch properly when you eject a disk. On a
dobble-head drive, this is a big broblem becuase the upper head will
catch in the diusk shutter and get damaged. Single head drives don't have
an upper head, and dmaage to the pressure pad is a lot easier to put
right (if ti occurs).
Baically, you have to remove the drives from the 1921 chassis (I think
it's 3 screws each, and a couple of cables), then take off the drive
logic board (3 scres and lots of connectors), the front panel (2 screws),
the eject damper (1 screw), the head load solenoid bracket (2 more
screws) and finally the disk holder (4 screws. You can then at lease
separate the holder intothe 3 main aprts (holder, and the 2 side panels)
buyt rmeovign a screw and some E-circlps.
I have found 2 designs. the older one will comea apert almost completely,
the levers are held on by circlips. The later one has thigns riveted in
place. With the fomer, take it apart and clean all the bits with
propan-2-ol. With the later, unhook the springs, saak the parts
(particularly the right hand side plate) in propan-2-ol, work the levers
back and forth and wipe off the grease as it emerges.
I find theres;' no real need to put any grease back on these parts. With
the amount of use they are likely to get, they are not gonin to wear out.
There are few pictures in my Flickr account (tony_duell) of taking apart
a double-head drive. THe single-head one is very similar.