On Tue, 28 Jan 2014 01:55:51 -0600, you wrote:
From: Rick Murphy <rick at rickmurphy.net>
To: cctalk at
Subject: Re: Using two RL02 drives on OS/8? (cont'd)
Message-ID: <201401280235.s0S2Z0Es004934 at rickmurphy.net>
Content-Type: text/plain; charset="us-ascii"; format=flowed
At 04:13 PM 1/27/2014, Charles wrote:
More info. OS/8 is running on Drive 0. I am able
to use RLFRMT (or
RL2FMT) to format the pack in Drive 1 (and it does not access or
overwrite Drive 0)... so at least SOME part of OS/8 recognizes that
there are two RL02 drives!
Those programs access the drive hardware directly and don't use OS/8
for anything.
BUILD defaults to DSK=SYS if SYS is not changed.
BUILD showed
initially DSK=RL20:R2A0 which is indeed the same as SYS.
However, if a SYS command is issued during BUILD, according to the
manual when issuing the BOOT command it is supposed to ask if you want
a new DSK or not. This does not happen - it just says "SYS BUILT" and
goes back to the dot prompt.
I found that I can manually type DSK=RL21:R2A1 in BUILD and it accepts
that without error. Then a "SAVE SYS BUILD 0-7577, 10000-17577=0;200"
per the manual.
At that point, rubbing BUILD again shows DSK=RL21:R2A1. OK so far.
But when I ask OS/8 for the directories of each partition on RL21:
(R2A1, R2B1, R2C1, R2D1) what is displayed is the corresponding
directory of RL20: (R2A0, R2B0, R2C0, R2D0)! The Drive 1 light never
You can't change DSK to a device that doesn't have an active handler.
And, your unit convention is wrong - OS/8's device name mapping scheme
is a pain, so you have to be careful how you reference things.
What you should have in BUILD for this configuration is the following
R0AB which gives devices R20A and R20B
R0CD which gives devices R20C and R20D
R01E which gives devices R20E and R21E
R1AB which gives devices R21A and R21B
R1CD which gives devices R21C and R21D
If you don't have those, you'll have to LOAD them into build.
So, you need to insert the drivers for drive one:
$ IN R1AB:R21A
$ IN R1AB:R21B
$ IN R1CD:R21C
$ IN R1CD:R21D
$ IN R01E:R21E
If you have enough driver slots, of course. Now device R21A: will go to
the right place.
The unit number is hard coded into the drivers so you need to use a
driver binary built for the right unit number.
Thanks for the info, Rick! That sheds considerable light on my
puzzlement. Although I won't have enough slots to use the "wedgies"
(the small E partitions), 80% of two RL02's is more than enough!
However. Where do I find the R0AB, R0CD, R1AB, R1CD drivers? They
don't appear to be on the diagpack2.rk05 image where all the "good"
OS/8 stuff seems to be. All I see there is:
RL0 .BH 2 4-JAN-81
RL1 .BH 2 4-JAN-81
RL20 .BH 2 4-JAN-81
RL21 .BH 2 4-JAN-81
RL2E .BH 2 4-JAN-81
RL2SY .BH 2 4-JAN-81
RLC .BH 2 4-JAN-81
RLSY .BH 2 4-JAN-81
Of those, RLSY, RL0, RL1 and RLC are for an RL01 drive;
RL2SY, RL20, RL21 (which I have installed) and RL2E (which I omitted
as noted above) are for RL02.
Also the only OS/8 Extensions manual I can locate is the one that
shows how to install and boot an RL01, not a pair of RL02's.... I
think most of the RL02's ended up on PDP-11 systems ;)