Ben Franchuk wrote:
Jos Dreesen wrote:
My SWTP/c contains a third-party board called
"the communicator" with a 6845
CRTC. Complexity is low : 6845, 2K sram, character generator and around 10 TTL
IC's. It produces a standard 80x25 output.
Jos Dreesen
The trouble is getting a display for
it. Unless it does Monochrome or
vga output it is hard to find any monitors for anything older.
That's another dilemma: do I go for "authentic" composite video
at broadcast TV rates, or do I use a VGA monitor? If I choose
TV output, the quality's poor and the design only works right for
UK TV systems (625 line, 50Hz, PAL). It would need to be changed
if anyone wanted a US version (525 line, 60Hz, NTSC). But if
I go for VGA, well, that's 15 years old now, I suppose... just
seems too "modern", somehow.
What I'd really like to do is run the display in portrait mode.
John Honniball