Rumor has it that jvdg at may have mentioned these words:
A windowed environment is a GUI, yes?
Ontopically, on my Tandy Color Computer 3, there's an operating system
called OS-9 (and a still updated open-source version, NitrOS-9) which has
access to multiple text windows (and multiple pages of these, which you can
select with the 'Clear' key) but does not have any graphical anything built
into the OS.
Offtopically, on Linux, if you build the right libraries (JPEG/GIF/PNG,
etc.), you can build a graphical browser called links that when called with
the -g option, will give you a full graphical user interface (mouse
pointer, displays pictures, etc...) but is not windowed. No tabbed
browsing, no popups - it basically takes over the framebuffer & shows
graphics, but it doesn't rely on X and you can't even run more than one
instance of it (at least on my machine, it b0rks if you try to alt-Fx into
a different text window and you have to kill -9 the process)
You can quite easily have one or the other without lumping them together.
Roger "Merch" Merchberger
Roger "Merch" Merchberger | "Profile, don't speculate."
SysAdmin, Iceberg Computers | Daniel J. Bernstein
zmerch at |