I was working as a VMS administrator up until 2 years ago.? The healthcare business still
has some VMS systems in use today.? The one I took care of ran the GE software for a well
known physicians group in San Francisco.? We called it IDX but it had been through many
names as GE tried to make it seem modern.? Based on one of the MUMPS variants.? A horrible
mess that was susceptible to unexplained problems at any moment.? Very expensive to run
since GE charged a lot for support and it needed a lot of it.??? Two years ago, the whole
IT departement got outsourced and the overseas staff, India, was supposed to take over.?
After a couple months of that I quit in disgust.? I do know one guy still doing VMS at an
HMO in Sacramento.? That'll go on for a couple more years.? My Alpha XP900 is sitting
unused in my garage.