Ha! Typical Microsoft fanboy. Anyone who even says something as innocuous as
"maybe this isn't so nice" is "mouth-foaming", etc. It's not
my fault that you have no taste, value of uptime, desire for performance, appreciation of
efficiency, or knowledge of OS design. *I* don't care what you run.
Dave McGuire
New Kensington, PA
On Jan 9, 2012, at 2:32 PM, Richard <legalize at xmission.com> wrote:
Dave McGuire flamed to my trashcan:
Never wanting to disappoint, I'll just say
your almost-robotic "Microsoft's
<xyz> is better!" statements about damn near EVERYTHING crossed the line from
"irritating" to "entertaining" a long time ago.
Dave, you realize you're in my KILL file since a while ago, right? So
I don't see your mindless rants unless they're quoted by someone else.
I find the above characterization of my posts to this lists highly
While *you* CAN be guaranteed to make endless flames against Microsoft
and/or Windows, and this is readily backed up by searching the archives,
you CAN'T find anything in the archives to back up your characterization
of me.
Feel free to go digging if you wish, but if you have any capacity for
self-reflection you may find the disturbing facts that your irrational
hatred of MS/Windows/etc. causes you to project your own mouth-foaming
irrational craziness onto anyone who doesn't immediately agree with
you 100%.
I now return you to my KILL file. Having automagically ignored you
for some time now, I find my cctalk experience lifted into
pleasantness and not because you have an opinion different than mine,
but because your opinion reads like a rabid dog devoid of meaningful
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