On Sun, 1 Nov 1998, Allison J Parent wrote:
< Well, not to put too fine a line on it, all
modern PC's have a built-in
< debugger. The Pentium has a built-in debug mode and brings the debug po
< out on the pins. I don't know of any PC maker that includes a debug por
has everyone forgotten POST codes already? All you need is a fairly
cheap card to display them.
Or a working speaker, in most cases. POST will only tell you what the
BIOS maker wants to tell you, though. Using debug mode (aka ICE mode)
from a debug port would allow you to diagnose at a much
deeper level. If
you couple that with a logic analyzer, you can diagnose just about
problem, of course, but the built-in debug capablity that the Pentium
gives you was the best I had seen from any microprocessor last I checked.
You could do a *very* cool front-panel on a modern PC.
-- Doug