You are to kind, but alas, I'm in Sweden :)
On 08/29/2013 10:36 PM, Guy Sotomayor wrote:
For BA11's I'd get rails for the chassis.
DEC however used several different "flavors" of rails and they're not
compatible with each other. Of course I have plenty (of one type or another) in my
storage units. If you're close, come by and grab some (I'm in San Jose, CA).
There are also mounting schemes for BA23 (which I also have).
TTFN - Guy
On Aug 29, 2013, at 12:59 PM, Pontus <pontus at> wrote:
I have several BA11 and BA23 boxes that I would like to mount in a H960 rack. I have two
contemporary black "drawers", but for the rest I was thinking some kind of
It turns out these are somewhat expensive:…
There are also L-shaped rails that you put on either side:…
They are also quite pricy so I'm thinking I could make some of those myself.
What do you guys use?
I'm open to suggestions, preferably things that fit nicely in a H960, but really
anything you use to prop up your retro hardware.