A kind-hearted list member sent me a PSU and some RAM for my V210. I finally
got around to installing stuff today and I found out one of the connectors
on the new PSU I received has shattered and splintered and can't be used.
Apparently from heat or age or both it became so brittle it started
disintegrating and the pins must have gotten damaged along the way. The
connector I am talking about is the 4 pin square connector that goes
through the bulkhead to the front system board and terminates behind the
system configuration card.
The PSU I was going to replace failed today after I put it back in when
the new one couldn't be used. Although the BIOS is showing every possible
PSU error the system seems to run ok, as before. Sun sure made good stuff!
Their servers even run fine with a failed PSU...
Myu first thoguht would be to use the conenctor from the faulty PSU. It's
probalby one of those things that's painful to extrac the pins from and
recrimp them without a special tool, so I'd eiterh desolder the wires at
the PSU board and (and solder them to the right points on the new PSU
board) or cut the wires are couple of inches from the connector ans join
them to the wwires from the new PSU.
As I was doing all this I spilled a nice full cup of coffee (that I had
deliberately moved out of the way, or so I thought) all over a Filco while
moving stuff around so I could work on this machine.
At least now I get to
test the "wash the keyboard in the shower" theory. So far it's dead but
maybe it will start working again when it dries out. If not that was an
expensive cup of coffee.
Befoe you give up, I'd take the keyboard as far aspart as you can (even
desolder bits if necessary) and clean all the bits separately. I doubt if
you've done any permanent damage.