<I'm not sure I'd agree, when it comes to indexing. I think the 6502
<indexing is more useful in typical cases, and the instruction set is much
<"cleaner" in some ways. However...
it has to be as there are so few register to store intermediate results or
addresses. The end result is operands are out in memory more and return to
memory more. Different optimization of resources.
<Exactly. I was brought up on the Z80, or at least that's what my earliest
<assembly language experience was on, but I learned how to use a 6502 prett
<well. Just a different design philosophy.
the oder of learning for me was PDP-8, PDP-10, CM2100, 8008, 8080 then
over a span of 6 years. From the 1975 to 1978 the list is z80, 8048,
1802, sc/mp, 6800, 650x, 9900, pdp-11!
I have fewer biases. ;) Well ok, if said 8085 for some, 804x for others,
T-11 (pdp-11 on a single chip), and z80. Never had more than the few 6502s
until recently but they are fun too.