Jules Richardson schrieb:
Chuck Guzis wrote:
On 23 Apr 2007 at 11:23, Allison wrote:
To run CP/M you don't need a lot but the
minimal and useful complete
system are not far apart.
Z80: Whatever you have!
RAM: 48-64k of ram 48k will be enough to run a lot of software, but 64k
is only 2 61256s (a 32kx8 SRAM). CP/M will run in 32k but limited
application software will fit. The only requirement is ram starts
at 0000h and be contigious for at least 20K(minimum) after boot.
If I were to approach a project like this, I'd probably go find an
old junker credit-card or POS terminal ...
Wouldn't it take a fair while to reverse-engineer all the address
decoding and additional logic (such as for driving the LCD) in the
system? i.e. just to find out exactly what you have in order to start
thinking about writing software is reasonably non-trivial.
Depends on what LCD you
have. There are "intelligent" ones with an own
controller and row/column multiplexers which simply
look like an 8bit I/O port to the system. They already have a character
rom built in, so you just send them cursor positioning and
ASCII codes. Making a terminal out of it is a matter of some afternoon
There are other intelligent "graphical" LCDs which provide >= quarter
VGA resolution or alike, that feed bit maps through the same 8 bit I/O
port; these are more flexible but require more CPU horse power. I made
the experience that a plain Z80 with 4MHz is well occupied with
controlling the screen I/O, so better make such a graphic terminal a
separate subsystem to a real CP/M box.
Then there are the "VGA" LCDs which have RGB inputs - you need a normal
CRT controller for that. You can scrap one from a Hercules or EGA/VGA
card; both are connectable to a Z80 bus with a few TTLs, or even take
one of the numerous 6845 designes but I wonder if this is worth the
effort nowadays.
And finally, you can obtain dumb LCD displays with hundreds of
row/column pins that allow individual addressing of each pixel
directly. Not for the faint-hearted, particularly for the PCB design and
the connectors. I won't recommend those, as you end up rebuilding the
logic that all the "intelligent" displays already provide.
Most of these things have lots of SRAM (128-512K)
Hmm, do they? I passed up on some '386 ones recently (I was briefly
tempted mainly for the 40x2 displays). Some more SRAM would have been
nice to have, though...
You might infact look for embedded systems with a Z180 or
better Z280
CPU (PLCC84) they have most of the stuff like MMU and DMA already built
in which one needs to make a system with more than 64k. There are
already SRAMs with 128kByte
available, so no longer needs to build complex DRAM refresh schemes.
Just buffer some data and address lines off for a
floppy or IDE
From a programming point of view, how easy is accessing IDE compared
to a typical FDC ('765 or similar)? I did write some assembler to
access an IDE drive about 12 years ago, but have long since forgotten
details! :-)
Effectively, the software logic is the same. You have some registers
where you put in head/track/sector information, wait for
some ready status flag and read the data out or feed a block of data in.
Differences exist between the layout of the registers, but are actually
no stumbling block for any Z80 programmer.
IDE is a little bit more comfortable as you don't have to deal with
low-level disk formatting and bad-block handling. Blocking/beblocking to
convert between 128 byte sectors and 512 byte disk sectors is still
required, unless you leave this to CP/M+ (CP/M 2.2 IIRC didn't have this
directly). OTOH, one could program an FDC to use 128 byte blocks on disk
easily; which then will cause trouble with data exchange to a PC,
however. OTTH, the logic for an FDC is typically more complex than for
an IDE interface, usually because of some monoflop-based data separator,
including some adjustment of resistors/capacitors.
Personally, I tend to use CF<->IDE adapters and build the common three
circuit TTL-IDE interface.