I wouldn't. I had one for a bit, but never had
capability amongst other things. I guess that when it
was in vogue, it too must have seemed groovy, but
wasn't the coco limited to 64k? Apps running in such
Officially, the COCO 1 and 2 were limitied to 64K, the CoCo 3 to 512K. I
believe there were various unofficial hacks to extend that limit.
an environment would have to be pretty skimpy. I do
I think all programs were reentrant. So if 2 users wanted to use
BASIC-09, only one copy was loaded (IIRC, that was 22K long).
And yes, programs tended to be quite small. The line editor was something
like 5K (but did quite a bit, with macros, multiple buffers, etc).
You're not going to support a dozen users on a CoCo, but it was certainly
possible to have 2. Or 1 user running one large-ish program (like
BASIC-09) and the odd smaller one (like the editor).