On Tue, Jun 5, 2012 at 11:07 AM, Christian Corti
<cc at informatik.uni-stuttgart.de> wrote:
? FLDB : 5111 199 69667
This is the 8"
floppy drive interface, you should be able to run a 50-wire
flatcable directly to the drive.
Yes, but attention! This is *not* the Shugart
layout; instead it's CDC
proprietary. You need to build an adapter in order to attach standard
Shugart drives (I've built one for our FLDB). And the FLDB (at least ours)
is single-density FM only (26 spt. 128 bytes/sect.)
Going through the manuals I have on CDC drives, I already noticed that
the 50-pin pinout is different from the SA800 standard. The exact type
of drive I have (BR8A8A is not mentioned, although various BR8Axx
models are.
So, it looks like I have four different types of floppydisk controller:
- FLDB (8", built around 2 2901 bit slices)
- F1MB (8", built around N8X300I + N8X330N)
- modified F1MB (5-1/4", built around N8X300I + N8X330N)
- F1MBY (8", built around N8X300I + N8X330N)
The F1MB is described in my manuals, it's a controller for CDC 9404 or
9406 flexible 8" disk drives. It also contains the logic to control a
system operator panel (SOP). The F1MBY appears to be the same
controller, but with out the SOP interface. Now I need to find out if
any of them are a good fit for the CDC BR8A8A disk drives that I got.
Does anyone have any documentation on the FLDB card?
Tony, are you sure that the controller you thought was for X1215
cartridge disc drives wasn't instead an F1MB 8" floppy controller?